About Pierogi

About Pierogi

The pierogi have gained an exceptional sympathy from Poles. For decades, thanks to their diversity they have reigned on Polish tables as a dinner dish and as a festive dish prepared, among others for Christmas. Although pierogi are considered a traditional Polish...
Ways To Eat Pierogi

Ways To Eat Pierogi

Our list of “how to eat pierogi” has reached almost 100 and it is growing!  With the help of so many people, our list of a 100 different ways to prepare pierogi is enjoyed worldwide, so you never run out of pierogi recipes. Check out the variety of pierogi...
How To Cook Pierogi

How To Cook Pierogi

Our pierogi can be cooked many different ways.  Cooking pierogies can be easy and vary, depending on if you like pierogies soft or crispy.  One key to remember is that all of the pierogi cooking directions below are for fresh frozen pierogi (we don’t believe in...
Pierogi Toppings

Pierogi Toppings

Pierogi can be topped with a wide variety of toppings from butter, sour cream, or Greek yogurt to more elaborate toppings such caramelized onions and bacon.  One of our favorite pierogi toppings is a yogurt garlic sauce which you can do plain or with added spices to...
Stuffed Cabbage Golabki

Stuffed Cabbage Golabki

Gołąbki [ɡɔˈwɔmpki] is aka stuffed cabbage or cabbage roll is a very popular Polish dish, which also known in cuisines of Central Europe under similar names. Golabki are made from boiled cabbage leaves and minced meat cooked with rice or barley. The meat is rolled...
Polish Pierogi

Polish Pierogi

Pierogi are considered a national dish in Poland. Pierogi are popular in many Central and Eastern European countries under different names like varenyky,pirohy, and are well known in modern-day American cuisine. Pierogi also known as dumplings are filled dumplings...